
Friday, 22 June 2012

Cad Monkey

Great week it was, and a lot of experience has been gained within a short period of these 5 days. We went to site for measuring some existing structures to be renovated in Boschendal for some fancy Client. However we currently making AutoCad drawings of stables and Arenas of the same client as part of a different phase of the project.
The guy says he is ready to spend hundreds of millions of rands to make the project a success... Good news for the company (;... He has came to the right place, we are going to make his dream a reality.
I feel that our superiors have seen potential ,gain of enough experience to trust us enough to deal with serious projects such as this one. All the designs are done by the Architects though, we are just given the technical stuff and be Cad monkeys all day.


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